
[CNC Machining] Aluminum 6061 flat rectangle standard thicknesses?

I want to create a basic shape from aluminum 6061. Are there standard thickness options for flat rectangles in this material? The exact thickness doesn't matter to me, and if I choose a standard thick...

[PCB Prototype] ZSWatch - Open Source Smartwatch

If we order this product at PCBWAY, which products exactly does PCBWAY deliver?Is it a fully finished product? Is it just the PCB, is the screen and Dock (J-LINK OB) included?Please, if someone in aut...

[PCB Prototype] Does PCBWay clip the silkscreen to the solder mask?

Hi -- I'm designing a board in Kicad and exporting via the PCBWay plugin.Do I need to worry about silkscreen that is clipped by the solder mask, or is this automatically removed by PCBWay?If I was not...

[PCB Prototype] tb5cvn qrp dds

tb5cvn qrp dds

[Software] ZX Spectrum clone based at STM32F401 (with VGA output and PS/2 keyboard input)

I recreated this project, I get picture. Unfortunately it doesn't find any *.tap, *.rom or *.tzx files on the SD card. What format does it need to be on the SD card? Another question; the PS2 only wor...

[PCB Prototype] How to specify embedded copper coin using KiCAD for automated prototype submission and quote

I want to mount a high power (12W) LED directly to pads on a PCB. With my current design I attach the LED to a finned heat sink and run wires to the PCB, rather than mount the LED directly onto the PC...

[PCB Prototype] super capacitor jump starter

I want to build a start jumper for my tractor I get tired of buying lead acid batteries every one or two years I prefer to build it up with capacitors Any ideas?Thanks

[PCB Prototype] Purchasing PCBs

Hi friend Thank for sharing awesome ?? work.How can I purchase few PCBs of mega cd 1 export?Best regards

[PCB Prototype] CCL manufacturer's name and model ?

What is the CCL manufacturer's name and model for 2-layer and 4-layer boards?

[PCB Prototype] Quadruped Spider Robot (3D Printed Parts, SG90 Servo Motor, Arduino Nano)

Hocam bu projenizde paylaştığınız board resimlerinde farklılıklar var.. PCBWAY sitesine yüklediğiniz çizimde; 1x LDO Voltaj Regülatörü 5V/3A (Benzer: MIC29310-5.0WT, LM1085IT-5.0, LM323T) 12x Başlık E...
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1 PCBWay Team 4